May, as it usually is for me, was super busy. It went by incredibly fast, and I always feel like I could have accomplished more. But it is what it is.

The main highlights for me this month were seeing TXT FINALLY live and my 29th birthday trip to Myrtle Beach (and Surfside Beach).

I posted some pictures and video from my TXT concert on Instagram. I had a great spot, but my iPhone 11 can only do so much at this point, lmaoooo. I’ll get upgraded eventually. I’m more of a 20% take a bit of video and pictures at a show and the other 80% spent dancing and enjoying the moment. I’ll leave the HQ pics to the girlies in the front row.

I’m very much back in my loving TXT and watching videos of them in my free time. I’m currently catching up on To Do. I’m sooo behind 😅.

I posted a few pictures and updates about my trip on Twitter. There was so much going on, I forgot to post more. But I had a great time.

Music wise… a shorter list than usual. Only one female group, and many albums I was sure I was gonna love when their comebacks were announced, I wasn’t as impressed with upon release. A few surprise gems tucked in.

Let’s get started!


Slaps from start to finish. I was hoping the prerelease track would be a sample of what the rest of the album would sound like, and it was in all the best ways.

It’s been awhile since I’ve been excited, about an ONEUS release. I’m here for them getting their groove back.

AIMERS – Cherish

I’m not sure what sound I expected from them, but it wasn’t this. I loveeee “Cherish”.

Actually, I do know what I thought their music would sound like, like the title track, “Bubble”.

Didn’t care for “Bubble” at all, lol, but I do want to listen to more of their music.

VERIVERY- Crazy Like That

“Crazy Like That” is a tune. The only song I really see myself listening to in the future. I wanted the rest of the album to have a similar vibe to this, but I just found myself skipping through it.


ICY” fooking hiiiits wtf. I wasn’t expecting this at all. Song of the year contender here. “Slogan” was my other fave off the album. “Waterfall” wasn’t bad. Actually, all of this album is pretty good.

I’m excited about future releases from them. They’re under BRAND NEW, so I should have known the music was gonna slap. Where’s BDC at?? I miss them.


My initial reaction was:

1.) Fine. I think my favorite song is the singing part in “Fate”.

2.) “Bite Me” is fine. Nothing too exciting, but not my least favorite Enha title ever.

And 3.) A grower album but a bit lackluster considering the concept itself is outstanding.

And after a few days going by and listening to the album again for this review, I still feel about the same. I get “Bite Me” stuck in my head. I love it, but it’s not an earworm like “Drunk Dazed” or “Given-Taken”.

Actually, I was expecting “Bite Me” to sound more like “Given-Taken”. Idk this album is in a weird slot for me. I don’t love it nearly as much as DIMENSION : DILEMMA, my favorite Enha album to date. And it’s not my least favorite release from them to date, MANIFESTO : DAY 1. I guess it’s right in the middle, spectrum wise.

Title track wise, it’s also in the middle. It took me a while to love “Future Perfect”. But I can’t say confidently I prefer “Future Perfect” over “Bite Me” and vice versa. I also don’t really have a favorite song off this album as of writing, either.

Nothing really stands out. I have parts of songs I love, but I can’t name one song I’m hooked all the way through. I guess “Bite Me” would be my response if someone asked what my favorite song from DARK BLOOD is.

Yeah, this release confuses me. I’ll likely buy the album at some point because the visuals are to die for. But I’m so conflicted on this album. I do love the tango choreography, though. Shout out to Ni-ki for that. King shit right there.

Jay Park feat Zion.T – Candy

I’m not really sure why I keep including Jay Park on these lists, I say the same thing every time. Man knows what works and continues to make bops based on that formula.

I was mostly interested in Zion.T’s inclusion in this song. We haven’t gotten much new music from him in a while. I like his verse.

But then I saw Yooa from Oh My Girl in the thumbnail and video and screamed. No one told me she was involved in this too wtf?? I’m here for it. The music video itself is entertaining, and I love how both Yooa and Zion.T were introduced.

Sidenote, I’m obsessed with those glittery Balenciaga sunglasses, need me a pair, STAT.


The only female artists on this list this month, 😪. I had Dreamcatcher on my listen list. Their album was fine, nothing to write home about.

But “DOXA” is a tune. The first SECRET NUMBER I’ve saved. I didn’t care for the b-side, “Beautiful One”, but I guess I’ll keep a closer eye on SECRET NUMBER in the future.

EPEX – Baby good night (originally by B1A4)

I don’t really follow Korean variety shows like I used to. But I do remember covering news about this new reality show from JTBC last year on my podcast. So I need to catch up on this one. This show was interesting to me because of groups covering other artists songs, along with performing their own music.

I think B1A4’s song was covered well by EPEX. Idk if they picked it out, or if C9 suggested it, but it suits them well. I’d like their next title track to sound something like this.

CIX – Save Me, Kill Me

Speaking of C9 groups, I did not care for this is CIX comeback 😅. I listened to the album while organizing my closet, putting away my winter clothes for my summer stuff. And I wasn’t feeling it.

My initial notes were, “Love “Save Me, Kill Me”, but this album is like sad boy hours, and I’m not really here for it. First CIX album, I don’t think I’ll listen to much. Much slower paced.”

And yeah, especially after finally watching this depressing ass music video, I get why this album is so…sad.

I uh, don’t really have much to say on this one. Maybe for the music video, trigger warning for death/suicide? Yeah. I do enjoy the title track and I know I’ll listen to it a lot, but this is not 들려줄래 what you wanted (what you want, what you want, yeah). I’ll see myself out.


I’m tired of this, grandpa! Who tf died now??? Why is this the second music video on this list with a member dying/dead? I’m jamming to these songs, and then I get to the music videos and see this shit? Wtf?? What a hell of a coincidence.

I swear I didn’t plan this when I started putting this article together. I have this in order of release date 😭

Anyway, back to the other Brand New Music boys, AB6IX. Initial shock out of the way, “LOSER” slapps. Love the chorus and how they sing loser. I didn’t realize they had another music release this month.

I listened to “Fly Away” and it was ight. I wasn’t a huge fan of it. So I’m happy that wasn’t the only thing from them this month. “REALITY” has a similar sound to “LOSER” and I think that’s also why it’s one of my favorite songs off THE FUTURE IS OURS: LOST.

As of writing, they’ve received one music show win so far for “LOSER” and it’s well deserved. Actually, the only song on this mini album that I don’t like is “BLAZE” and “BLAZE” isn’t that bad. I just know I’m not gonna listen to it ever, lol. *adds to fave albums of the year list*

Which I’ve made a playlist for on Spotify. Every year since I started making a round up article for my fave albums, I rank mostly on what I went back to listen to, the songs and albums I couldn’t get out of my head.

And typically the albums I loved but didn’t listen to as much, get ranked lower. This playlist, I’m hoping, will remind me to listen to these songs because it’ll be easier to find them all in one place.

So how was y’alls May? Do anything fun? Let me know what you were up to and the music you were listening to this month in the comments. I have a lot planned for June. I want to get my Fave Teen Top songs out before their comeback. And next series will be my EXO deep dive… Idk what’s up with my timing on these series lately. I cover NCT 127, and there’s a mess going on with NCT.

I’ve been planning this EXO one for like a year, and now all this drama with CBX is happening. This is the most recent update as of writing, but you can catch up on all the info on Soompi. Idk about that EXO comeback, but at least SHINee’s back. Don’t forget to follow me on Twitter, Instagram, Threads, & BlueSky.

Until next post,

Take care!

Ash 💫

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