Kpop in 2020: My Wishlist
I was inspired by this particular video, however, because every year I have my own mental list of things I’d like to happen in Kpop, and occasionally, it comes true…
I was inspired by this particular video, however, because every year I have my own mental list of things I’d like to happen in Kpop, and occasionally, it comes true…
Finally, a fashion review on Seventeen. Seventeen's third album "An Ode" was released on September 16th and I haven't stopped listening to at least one song from it since then.…
Ah, ah La lalalalalalalalalala lay I always look forward to Sunmi’s new releases. "Lalalay" is another win in my book. I wish I knew how to describe music, but my…
Last but not least! It’s been over a month since my last blogpost, and I’ve got some splainin’ to do. In that timespan I’ve worked my first post college job,…
The time has flown by huh. It’s been a week since my last blogpost talking about my favorite Kpop music video fashion choices of January. It’s also been a week…
I wish I could have come up with a shorter title than 2019 First Quarter Kpop Music Video Fashion Review: Part 1. But I felt this was the only title…
Ya girl is finally back after four-ish months of a hiatus. This year so far has been a bit chaotic for me and my current work schedule isn’t consistent, but…